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6/19/17: ITEM! Consolationeer is now available for pre-order from Black Lawrence Press. Please cop it with all due haste. Thanks!
7/13/17: ITEM! "Anodyne" (from Consolationeer) and "And the Lord God Made Garments of Skins" (from Bewilderness) are now available to view from phoebe . Say it with me like you're at a Wu Tang concert: "ARCH-IVE, ARCH-IVE"
11/2/17: ITEM! Consolationeer has been reviewed at The Lit Pub. Check it out. & if you haven't pre-ordered, DO THOU THAT, NOWISH. (please)
12/17/18: ITEM! Meta Meta Make-Belief is now available for pre-order from Black Lawrence Press. I will be forever grateful if you buy 200 copies.
There will be events!
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